Autumn Calabrese’s newest program is here, and it's TOTALLY taken over the Beachbody community! Why? A total no-brainer nutrition plan? CHECK! New workouts every single day? CHECK! And amazing coach test group results? CHECK!

Okay, so here’s a quick breakdown of the program details:

  • Sneak Peek: A Little Obsessed Available on BOD
  • Trainer: Autumn Calabrese (creator of 21 Day Fix)
  • Difficulty: Intermediate/Advanced
  • Workouts: 6 days a week (rest Sunday)
  • Cardio & Strength targeting Arms, Abs & Booty
  • Length: 40-60 minutes/day
  • New workouts every day
  • Equipment: hand weights, strength slides, resistance loops, fitness mat
  • Meal Plan: Timed-nutrition using Portion Fix containers

80 Day Obsession: Everything You Should KNow

The Workouts

The program is broken down into 3 “Phases” (months), each phase changes slightly. The workout schedule changes, but you can always count on Sunday to be your rest day! And during each Phase, the moves are kicked up a notch as you build strength and progress through the program.

This is NOT beginner program, but if you even semi-regularly workout, you should be able to keep up! If you’re interested in MAKING SURE you’re ready, check out the suggested preparation plan below!

Like I mentioned above, each day you’ll be doing a new workout—you’ll never do the same one twice like we’re used to with most Beachbody programs. While each workout is technically different, they’ll feel very similar. You’ll be doing many of the same moves, but what changes is the number of reps, sets, and timing for each one.

For example, Week 1/Day 1 you start with 2 sets/15 reps each. Moving on to Week 2/Day 8, you'll be doing 3 sets/10 reps, and using slightly heavier weights.

How long are the 80 Day Obsession workouts?

The length of each workout varies between about 30-60 minutes, with your cardio workouts (2x per week) being your shorter days.

What equipment is required for 80 Day Obsession?

  • A set of light/medium/heavy hand weights
  • Strength slides
  • Resistance loops
  • Fitness or yoga mat

The strength slides are available for purchase on Beachbody’s site (click the link above), and the resistance loops will be available soon.

If you don't already have Beachbody On Demand to stream the workouts, there are Challenge Packs available which include everything you'll need to get started!

There are multiple Challenge Pack options depending on what you already have and what you'll need! Click here, then click on 80 Day Obsession to browse through the options. And if you're not sure, message me and I'd love to help you choose the right one!

As for the hand weights, the size you need will depend on your current strength. Some of the coaches in the test group have commented that the Bowflex weights have been a good investment for the program (they've used 5 lbs all the way to 45 lbs!). But, at nearly $300, it's DEFINITELY an investment! There are also other adjustable dumbbell options out there and you still have the option to purchase 3 different sets of fixed size weights.

The Nutrition Plan

This program seriously takes ALL the guesswork out of meal planning—so easy!

It starts with calculating which meal plan bracket to follow, similar to what you might have done if you've tried 21 Day Fix. You’ll then start using the portion control containers to help plan your meals, still similar to 21 Day Fix. But here’s where things get interesting: the plan tells you AT WHAT TIME to eat each container. It specifies what containers you should be eating throughout the day including before and after workouts.

  1. Pre-workout meal
  2. Post-workout meal
  3. Meal Option 1
  4. Meal Option 2
  5. Meal Option 3

Yes, 6 meals a day—I'm definitely not starving over here. You still get to eat carbs, you get fruit, you get healthy fats... this isn't a "diet" it's a meal plan designed to help fuel your body, burn fat, and build muscle.

Oh, and then there's these glorious days called "Refeed Days."

These are days that you're free to eat burgers, pasta, bagels. It's not a free-for-all or a total cheat-day, you'll still be sticking to the meal plan and timed-nutrition, but you'll get to indulge in some of those "bad" carbs you've been avoiding!

Check out a couple of the results from the test group after the full 80 days!

And at this point, I'm only on week TWO of the program and already noticing big changes! 

80 day obsession 1 week

Preparing for 80 Day Obsession

Okay, so I mentioned that this is an intermediate/advanced program. But there’s no reason that should scare you! You’ve just got to get prepared first. Below is the workout schedule that Autumn suggests following in order to make sure you’re ready for 80 Day Obsession in January.

  1. 21 Day Fix - 1 Round

  2. Chisel from Hammer and Chisel - 1 Round

  3. 21 Day Fix Extreme - 1 Round

BOOM! You might have even done these programs once before. If not, they’re ALL available on Beachbody On Demand right now! If you don’t already have BOD, you can try it free for 14 days.

And then Follow the Sneak Peek

There is a 5-day 80 Day Obsession sneak peek called “A Little Obsessed” available on Beachbody On Demand! I've done this A Little Obsessed, and trust me, even though it's a sneak peek, it's still a GOOD workout! 

  • Five 30-minute workouts designed SPECIFICALLY for the sneak peek! They’re a little less challenging than the 80 Day Obsession workouts, but they’re meant to help TEACH you the moves and help you get a feel for the program!

  • A 5-day nutrition plan using the portion control containers a taste of timed-nutrition.

For more info on the sneak peek and modifications if you don't have the loops or slides, check out this blog.

If you want help getting ready for 80 Day Obsession, OR if you’d like to join one of my 80 Day Obsession accountability groups, send me a message!
