Have you been following me along on Facebook? Have you seen all my posts about 80 Day Obsession lately? I’m absolutely LOVING this program so far! Yes, it’s challenging. Yes, the timed-nutrition plan takes some getting used to. But guess what? If it’s not difficult, it’s not going to change you!

You can learn more about 80 Day Obsession in my first blog about it here.

Seriously though, I never really sweat when I work out, but Cardio Core on Day 3 had me dripping with sweat for 40 minutes! I both hated and loved it. Haha!

I get it though, 80-day—3 whole MONTHS of commitment—is a LOT if you’re unsure about it. And even if you have Beachbody On Demand already to see the program and wanted to “try” it, you still need to buy the bands and sliders… but guess what?! I’ve got a couple of hacks to help you try 80 Day Obsession WITHOUT the equipment and without commitment.

With these tips, the only things you’ll need to get a sneak peek of 80 Day Obsession is Beachbody On Demand, a set of light/medium weights, and portion control containers

If you don’t have BOD, you can choose a plan and sign up here. The 3-month membership comes with a 14-day free trial (you can complete TWO whole rounds of the sneak peek!). And the 12-month plan (which I TOTALLY 100% recommend savings-wise) comes with a 30-day money back guarantee if you don’t love it!

Watch A Little Obsessed

A Little Obsessed is the 5-day toned-down version of 80 Day Obsession! Trust me, it’s still challenging and will definitely give you a good idea of what the full program is all about.

You’ll try out all the different types of workouts you’ll see in 80 Day Obsession:

  • Total Body Core
  • Booty
  • AAA (Arms, Abs, and A*$)
  • Cardio Core
  • Legs

AND you’ll get to try incorporating timed-nutrition into a small part of your day! There will be pre- and post-workout meals all laid out for you in the plan.

You’ll definitely need the containers from 21 Day Fix for this part, but you can skip the Energize/Hydrate/Recover if you’re not ready to go all-in. You’ll be more tired and sore without the supplements (no fun!), but you’ll make it!


Complete the Workouts Without the Slides (Alternatives)

If you don’t have any sliders for A Little Obsessed, no problem! There are a couple of “hacks” you can use to replace the sliders with until you’re ready to get a pair.

If you’re working out on hard floors…

  1. Try putting a couple of small dish towels, dish cloths, or microfiber towels underneath your feet to slide!

  2. If that doesn’t work, others have used cheap paper plates to help them slide!

If you’re working out on carpet…

  1. Cheap paper plates are that way to go to allow yourself to slide.

None of these options are going to work as well as the slides will, BUT you’ll get a feel for what things will be like!

Doing the Workouts Without Bands

Honestly, there’s really no good substitute for the strength bands from 80 Day Obsession and A Little Obsessed… But you can totally still do the workouts without ANY bands and you’ll STILL feel it—the moves are still going to work your booty and your legs, I promise!

Think You’re Ready? Let’s Do It!

If you’d like to try A Little Obsessed and give 80 Day Obsession a shot, I’d absolutely LOVE to have you in one of my monthly accountability groups! I’ll advise you on your nutrition even more and help keep you on track and accountable… even when you’re sore & tired from yesterday’s workout!

Shoot me a message here or on Facebook if you’d like to join my next month’s group!  



