Cleanse, detox, whatever you want to call it, it’s always nice to get a fresh start! You allow yourself to “splurge” during holidays, you slip-up and fall off track for a little too long, or maybe a hurricane comes barreling through and you stress eat yourself a little “food baby.” Yeah, Irma, I’m talking to you! Have you ever done a cleanse before? Most of them seem to entail eating nothing and drinking all your meal in the form of a totally gross green juice. No thank you, give me REAL food, please!

And that’s why I love the 3-Day Refresh—you get to eat real food while detoxing your body!


What exactly is the 3-Day Refresh?

The 3-Day Refresh is a vegetable-based cleanse specially designed to help you kickstart (or restart) your metabolism and see incredible results in just 3 days. There are shakes involved, yes, but they’re delicious (no disgusting green juice!) and you actually get to eat every single day!

You can expect to lose anywhere from 3-9 pounds and eliminate that belly bloat!

What does the 3-Day Refresh kit include?

There are a few different 3-Day Refresh options, but here are the basics:

  • Program Guide, Meal Planner, and Recipes: This is your step-by-step guide to everything you’ll need to know during the next 3 days. You’ll also get an easy to use menu planner, a list of simple dinner recipes, and snack options.

  • Shakeology (1/day): If you don’t know about Shakeology you can click here to learn more. But basically, Shakeology is an all-natural whole food nutritional shake that provides your body with over 70 different vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and so much more! The superfoods in Shakeology also help curb junk food cravings and give you more energy (two of the reasons I drink it every day!).
    You’ll get to choose your flavor but the VEGAN options are recommended: chocolate, vanilla, tropical strawberry, and café latte.

  • Vanilla Fresh Shake (2/day): This is what’s going to help keep you feeling full throughout the day. Packed with plant-based protein and 22 essential vitamins and minerals.

  • Fiber Sweep (1/day): This one doesn’t sound too pretty, I know. But I promise this will NOT have you running to the toilet all day long. Haha! This is an all-natural drink made from whole ingredients like flax, chia, and psyllium seed husk.

  • Maintenance Guide: For use after your 3 days is up. It helps you transition back to "real life" while continuing to eat healthy and maintain (or lose more) weight. The guide is simple and realistic, and even gives container counts for anyone using Portion Fix containers!

What does the daily meal plan look like?

Each day on the 3-Day refresh is the same, there’s a little more to it than this, but here’s a quick preview of what you can expect from the 3-Day Refresh meal plan:


Breakfast: Shakeology + fruit

Mid-Morning Tea: Unsweetened green or herbal

Late Morning: Fiber Sweep


Lunch: Vanilla Fresh Shake + fruit + veggie + healthy fat

Mid-Day Snack: veggie + healthy fat or raw juice

Late Afternoon Tea


Dinner: Vanilla Fresh Shake + 1 option from dinner recipes

Post-Dinner Tea

Like I mentioned above, the guide that comes with the 3-Day Refresh kit will outline all the snack and dinner options you have to choose from. You’re also asked to drink LOTS of water, so make sure to keep a bottle with you at all times and remember to drink it!

What about workouts during the 3-Day Refresh?

Working out during the 3-Day Refresh isn’t recommended, but a light amount of exercise is okay. I’d suggest checking out some of the workouts in Beachbody Yoga Studio on Beachbody On Demand if you’d like some sort of exercise!

My 3-Day Refresh Experience & Results

I had plenty of energy each and every day during the cleanse. I did get a little headache on day 3 but this is common—it's your body detoxing (or just that I waited too long to eat lunch!).

I felt full from all my meals as long as I ate on time. And I actually appreciate my veggies so much more! Some days I didn't event want to eat the full dinner, but I did!

To be honest, I don't "love" the fiber sweep but I find that if you just drink it quickly with cold water and get it done, it's really not too bad! But I am happy it’s only a once a day drink. I really enjoy the Vanilla Fresh shakes and of course the Shakeology! Tip: I added a little bit of cinnamon and nutmeg to my Vanilla Fresh shakes to add more flavor. I love fruit so I eat them separately, but some people prefer to add them to their morning and lunch shakes.

Every day when I would step on the scale I would see the numbers moving, which is so encouraging! I truly feel "reset" from this cleanse every time I do it and I feel so motivated to keep going and make even more progress! This is something that ANYONE can do!

Here are my most recent results:
Down 7.6 lbs and 3 inches from my waist!

Want to give it a try? You’ve got a few options…

There are 3 different kits depending on what you need, take a look at the options below or message me and I can help you choose the right one!

1) 3-Day Refresh and Shakeology Challenge Pack

This option includes everything you’ll need to complete the 3-Day Refresh PLUS a 30-day supply of Shakeology to help you continue your journey. I promise, it’s so good you’ll want to buy more once you’re done anyway!

In my opinion, this one is the best option if you don’t already drink Shakeology because you get SUCH a fantastic deal on it!

2) 3-Day Refresh Complete Kit

You’ll get just what you need to complete the 3-Day Refresh: Vanilla Fresh Shakes, Fiber Sweep, and 3 individual servings of Shakeology.

3) 3-Day Refresh Without Shakeology

If you already drink vegan Shakeology on a daily basis, then there’s no need to buy more, right? You’ll receive everything else that you’ll need to start your refresh!


If you’re planning on completing the 3-Day Refresh, follow me on Facebook or Instagram and let me know! I’d love to hear all about your results and what you think of it after your 3 days are up!

And if you have any questions about the 3-Day Refresh, leave them in the comments below and I’ll get back to you ASAP :)

